Ask HN: What are some good resources to learn about embedded software and EE?

7 points by moooo99 3 months ago

With the purchase of my 3D printer and some other fun electronic gadgets, I've been getting more and more curious about electrical engineering and the embedded software world. My day to day experience is mostly limited to web dev TS/Go, so a very different world. My C++ skills don't go much beyond Uni entry level.

Are there any good resources for a beginner to get some more insights into that world? (blogs, books, MOOCs, etc.)

mikewarot 3 months ago

For $50 or so, you can get an Arduino kit with breadboard and some components including transducers, to get actual hand on experience that you just can't get from books.

The Arduino doesn't run Linux, you're much closer to the hardware, which is important to your goal.

It's especially important to understand interrupts and how to use them.