pixl97 3 days ago

>Specifically on Linux there are two system-wide sysctls: fs.nr_open and fs.file-max. (Don't ask me why one uses a dash and the other an underscore, or why there are two of them...)

Somewhere it should be lore that the person that named these syscalls went on to name functions in PHP.

  • quectophoton 3 days ago

    The creat(3) tradition lives on.

    • AdamJacobMuller 3 days ago

      That extra "e" would represent a 20% bloat in the functions name, bytes aren't free you know.

      • hermitdev 3 days ago

        And yet people will die on a hill defending using X number of spaces instead of a single tab for indentation (where X is some positive integer, usually 2, 3, 4, or 8), with zero regard for the bytes wasted.

        • TeMPOraL 3 days ago

          This is what happens when you reject S-expressions as the only true form of syntax. People will keep arguing all kinds of nonsense, for the same reason that in logic, falsehood can be followed by anything you want.

        • wahern 3 days ago

          Different people? Original C and Unix software projects used hard tabs for indentation, and that carried forward into the age of the BSDs. Almost all Unix ecosystem software was tab-indented until relatively recently. Some GNU projects were notable early exceptions, though using spaces for indentation was the least objectionable aspects of their indentation style, and more understandable in that context. By my recollection, it was the increasing popularity of C++ in the 2000s, which was at that time centered around Windows stylistic culture, that initially brought the proliferation of soft tabs to Unix/Linux, followed shortly by the Python community, which for whatever reason gravitated toward soft tabs notwithstanding the earlier preference (including that of Guido) for hard tabs.

          It's not obvious in modern editors or code browsers, but the Linux kernel, much (most?) of the base Linux user land, and the various *BSD projects (kernel and user land) still use hard tabs for indentation.

cassepipe 3 days ago

What doe NR stand for ?

  • foresto 3 days ago

    I've seen it used for (the local equivalent of) "number" in various countries.

  • rotifer 3 days ago

    Probably NumbeR.

  • turndown 3 days ago

    Seems to be “normal resources”, where normal probably meant file descriptor based.

    • cassepipe 2 days ago

      Where did you find that info ?

      I am asking because I tried to write to basic nasm programs in order to learn and I used the c preprocessor (cpp) over my nasm files to take advantage of the libc macros from <sys/syscall.h> and they were all of the form __NR_syscall

      Then the other responses' assumption, "NumbeR", seems correct